Summer Update 2017 - Aeon of Sands

The Aeon of Sands team is on vacation until end of august, to regenerate for the final crunch to game completion.

The game is basically done: everything structural has been integrated, 90% of the mazes are in alpha state with all dialogues and graphics.

Combat finetuning against some Rogues 
We want to use the next couple of months, starting from mid august, to do additional cleaning, and most of all, to add all sorts of stuff that is not core game or story, and work on mechanics we did not anticipate. But that's the fun part, right?

Starting from September / October, we’ll then handle the external proofreading of the story as well as marketing matters, but we will keep polishing the game until the last minute before the release.

Playtesting, Debugging of the final Dungeons
So, enjoy your summer (or winter, if you are on the other side of the planet)! If everything goes as it should, this is the last “have a good summer(/winter)” post before the game goes gold!

Spring Update - 2017

Hey world,

We are still among you :) and work diligently at Aeon of Sands.

We now arrived in the internal Alpha. Horay !!!

Here is a small excerpt of our activities (my activities).

development activities - Aeon of Sands
Unfortunately, writing blogs is not our strength. Last year we almost exclusively posted updates from the game on our social accounts.

If you would like to receive the latest information, follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

We will bring our new website with trailer and community forum online next month. If you want to be informed, please log on to our mailing list.


We will be looking for users who have registered for a wide range of delicacies ;-).

If you missed our social activities last year, I will summarize them below.

Have fun. TwoBitKid^Florian


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